Sunday, November 2, 2008


A replay of our, lunch at Olive Garden, football, football, football, yardwork, a little shopping, LAUNDRY...LAUNDRY....LAUNDRY....This is pretty much redundant of every Sunday, except if it is a Sunday that I work and its work, work, work, LAUNDRY, LAUNDRY, LAUNDRY. Oh, I forgot Desperate Housewives. It is one of the few shows I am faithful to. In fact, it is the only show I am faithful to. Anyway the point of my story is...HELP! Does anyone have any organization tips? Is there a book? a website? and inspirational calendar? I will try anything at this point. I am trying to get it together. I feel that I am constantly picking up the same things and just shoving them in a different spot! I am slowly but surely conquering clutter but it is a huge task! My friend Kay that I work with is totally my hero! Kay has it together! I wanna be just like her. She is totally organized in every aspect! I always like to be around her and "pick her brain" for ideas. My major problem is mail, children's school papers, and laundry. I cannot get excited about laundry and I just don't understand why? I put it off and put it off. Then I do it but I don't want to put it up. I put all the mail by the phone in the kitchen along with the kids cute school papers and papers they bring home that I need to remember dates and when it falls over I know its time to go through it! Speaking of...has anyone ever seen the inside of my purse??? OMG! If you have seen my purse you know this is serious and I need all the help I can get!


Heidi said...

This is right up my alley. I LOVE to organize, have you seen my profile!!!

Ok, a couple of things that may help:

1. Assign a day to each girl for laundry. So Monday could be Kalei, Wednesday could be Erin and Friday could be Lauren. They would be responsible for bringing down their laundry. You do the laundry, and they could fold and put away. We do this at our house and it really works--empower your family to help!! We also assign days for them to pray at dinner, it was another huge problem to get them to pray, they would roll their eyes and be defiant, so we assigned M,W,F for Em to pray and T,Th, Sa for Caroline to pray. And whoever eats before praying has to say the prayer. Love assigning days--it takes out all the guess work

2. Papers--buy a folder for each child or a basket or something for them to put their papers in, once you review the papers or sign them, put them back in the folder and it would be the girls responsiblitly to put them back in their backpacks.

3. As far as marking your calendar with important dates: as soon as you get the paper, write it down on the calendar and throw the paper away! I love my macbook with the built in calendar--no paperwork anywhere!!

4. About picking up things: I assume this is stuff your sweet girls have left around. We had a huge problem with socks, my girls would just take them off anywhere, and I mean anywhere. I got so tired of picking them up so I started collecting them and when the girls ran out of socks, I charged them a dollar a pair to get them back--that has solved our sock problem.

5. I use a chalkboard in my kitchen to write down the girls chores. Each night before I go to bed, I write down the next days chores. The girls get up and have no doubt what needs to be done before they head off to school.

6. My motto: there is a place for everything and everything BETTER be in it's place