Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hello All...
What a busy month! Where did the time go? I can't believe it is only 8 days til Christmas! There has been no time for blogging, I haven't even had time for sleeping! Well the last month has been very, very busy. Terry left for a week after my last blog posting, which leaves me to do everything with little time to spare. During that week I worked at both the dr's office and the hospital. I also managed to squeeze in dancing, a softball meeting, and the fun run. Erin was chosen as an alternate for the school fun run and ended up getting an opportunity to participate as well. She came in 13th place out of approximately 7o kids from surrounding schools. I was very proud of her, however, probably not as proud as she was of herself. Kalei had the chance to participate in the fun run as well when she was Erin's age. Erin placed much higher than Kalei and was beaming with excitement....Lauren's comment...."I could have done better than both of yall." gotta love Lauren!

Weeks past after the fun run and I still didn't have the opportunity to blog, just too busy, in all the Christmas hustle and bustle, holiday parties etc. I did, however, take the opportunity to snag a few shots of everyday life because the blog is always in the back of my mind! Here is the snow we experienced here in Houston last week. Amazing! It was very warm and humid the day prior to the snow. It snowed on Wednesday and it was supposed to be in the 60's the next day. Love the saying, "if you don't like the weather here, stick around it will change shortly." Here is a picture of our sago palm in the snow, there is something not quiet right with this picture...palm+snow???

This past weekend was one of those I went into thinking in my mind "I hope on Monday I can say that wasn't so bad after all." Wednesday I made dance recital costumes all day. I worked Thursday and Friday at the hospital. Got off Friday night shopped until 11:00pm. Came home baked Lauren's birthday cake which I started about midnight. Woke up early Saturday am went out party supply shopping, came home started dressing the girls for their dance recital. Left for dance recital finished up about 615pm, headed downtown to see the play"White Christmas" which was wonderful, came home started cake decorating finished up about 230am. Woke up Sunday am for church, came home from church and started preparing for Lauren's party at 2pm. Needless to say I didn't sleep much last week and now you know where I've been and why I have been longing to blog but just couldn't do it. I made it to Monday! Just once I would love to enjoy the season minus the hustle and bustle. Today I was off and I had lunch with my friends Pam and Jennifer. What a wonderful break to enjoy a bit of adult conversation! That could have possibly one of the best moments I have had in a while....thanks ladies!

Licking the the chocolate around the mouth.....priceless!

A picture I thought I would never see, especially because she will barely let me brush her hair!

Erin's dance costume I made for jazz!

My two little dancers, this was a hard picture to snap..Lauren had no intentions of taking it!

My beautiful little ballerina. I never thought she would do it but she did a wonderful job at her first recital!


Rusty and Jennifer said...

Beautiful pics of the girls!
Lunch was fun! Glad that we made it happen.
Love you, girl!

Stephanie said...

What a GREAT update...and I LOVE that song!! It was so great to see you guys tonight; am so glad we bumped into you! Merry Christmas and we love y'all :)

Erica and Jamie McMillan said...

My, you've been busy! Your girls are so cute! Wait, are they too old for cute yet??? Hope you have a great Christmas and take some time to enjoy the holiday's!

Heidi said...

Ok, I am tired just reading your blog!! The girls look lovely!! Merry Christmas