Thursday, April 2, 2009


Fifteen years ago today I married my friend whom I thought I loved. It is only now, years later I realize what love is. It is happiness, companionship, pain, loving when you don't feel like it, compromise, struggles, battles, fun, joking, smiling, but most of all it is simply being surrounded by your other half, which completes you.

In the past 15 years each passing day has brought a new journey....some good, some bad. It hasn't always been an easy road, but in the words of Terry, "You never give up, that is not an option!" That phrase has carried us through not only the past 15 years of marriage but life in general. You have always been there to support me. No matter what road I chose to follow you have always been there encouraging me every step of the way. You married a spoiled little girl and you have helped me turn into an amazing woman. (yet, still spoiled!) I am very thankful for everyday I have with you no matter what it brings........and as I always say "I may not like you today but I will always love you!"

Fifteen years ago today I thought I loved you. Today I know I love you, more than yesterday, yet less than tomorrow, because everyday I love you more. If I had to do it all over, I would, I would change a few things...and I wouldn't be sporting 1980's hair!
What a perfect song for this blog entry, our first dance together as husband and wife!


Heidi said...

Beautiful post!!! Happy Anniversary:)

Rusty and Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary!
I am cracking up at your pictures. Very sexy hair!