Well another month has passed since my last blog. I think the title of this one fits life perfectly. It seems everyday is a new day yet the same as yesterday. We are very busy with all the kids activities and work so it seems all I have to blog about is the same thing. Kalei recently ordered her letterman jacket at school, still working hard in band, and yesterday she dressed up for 80's day. She told me I should be able to help her since I was an 80's girl. I thought I was more a 90's girl myself! I found it quite amusing though when I told her she should tight roll her jeans and she said "what is that?" As someone posted on facebook, you know we are getting old when our parents dressed us for 50's day and we are dressing our kids for 80's day! Yet another season has begun at SMGSL. Tootie moved up to girl pitch and here is some pictures of her pitching debut! She recently tried out and made the competition dance team at her dance studio. This in itself my prove to be a full time gig! We will see! I am always glad to see them try new things even though it is a bit of a strain on us. I think it helps them become more well rounded and keeps them from tiring of the same thing.
And here is Lauren. She has moved up to a new age group as well. She is the smallest on her team. She is in first grade with some 3rd graders on her team, however, it doesn't bother her any. She is just there to have a good time. Look at this face, doesn't it look like she is totally excited about her first game??!!!
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