Monday, January 25, 2010


I almost forgot my password. I can't believe it has been this long. What have I been I am almost embarrassed that I only work two days a week and I just cannot keep up any better. I always feel like I am barely above the water and I'm not sure why. I am going to start some vitamins hoping that will help!

I never posted any more pictures from homecoming because Hayden and Kalei broke up and she was devastated to say the least. It's so funny how that knock you to your knees feeling comes back so fast. The feelings she was feeling were all to real to me. I hurt for her. It's heartbreaking seeing your child so upset. You know the truth, you know life goes on but it is so hard for them to see that amidst the break up. We got through it though. She has such great friends. I am so proud of her and her friends. They are good least I think..LOL!
Tootie is still dancing. Still has all A's. I was sure this was going to be the nine weeks that we had the first B, but she pulled it out. No softball this season for her, too busy with dance. Competition should start soon and I am excited. Their dances are soo cute!
Lauren is still Lauren. Need I say more? She is still dancing and I think she wants to start either soccer or cheer leading..her latest. We probably will end up playing soccer.
On a different note, the end of 2009 brought about many issues and lots of prayers. I for one had this horrible pain in my head that is still there today but better. Had lots of tests, dr visits, an ER visit only to be told its a migraine. During all the testing they found some abnormal blood work. I am still waiting to see a specialist regarding this. Please keep me in your prayers.
Since my last post, one of my good friends lost her grandmother, who was like her mother. she was diagnosed with cancer and went downhill extremely fast. Then Kalei's band teacher lost their sweet precious son who was born to soon. I had a coworker diagnosed with cancer and another coworker's husband had a relapse with cancer but is now in remission. A neighbor passed away. One of my close friends 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with end stage liver disease out of the blue and had a liver transplant within 2 months of diagnosis. It has been a whirlwind to say the least. I have a feeling a major part of my headaches are stress related.
But hey...Its a new year and it has started off great. My friend noted above with the liver issues received the call about the liver on Jan 2. What a better way to start off the new year with a new liver..LOL! One of my best friends also started the adoption process back in the fall and she got a call last week that they were chosen for a child! They should get the child in a week or so. I am so excited for them and this little one. He is going to be in the best home he could possibly ever been in. One filled with love and laughter. I am so proud of my friend and her husband for choosing to give a child a second chance at a wonderful life he might have otherwise missed out on.
Terry has been gone since the beginning of January to a training in South Carolina. The girls and I have been living it up! However, I am ready for him to come home so we can get on with 2010!
I have recently come back in touch with an old love..sewing! The little ones have been really excited for me to make them things and I am having a great time doing it. I will post some projects soon. I can't wait to make the cute little summer clothes! I am tired of all the blah winter brings..ready for some spring!