Friday, August 28, 2009

What happened?

Terry and I recently had a major parenting milestone. We made the decision to allow Kalei to ride to school with a classmate. Not a classmate with a mom driving..the classmate is driving. As I think about this I wonder what happened to my little bald baby girl, you know the one with the missing front teeth, the bandaged knees who couldn't ride a bike or tie her shoes. When did she become so grown up and think her parents don't know anything and she knows it all. When did we stop being her best friends and she suddenly have a thousand other friends with whom she wants to spend every waking minute. How did she go from not knowing how to use the home phone to having a cell phone implanted in her right hand? I feel like I took a nap, woke up and she went from a little girl to a high school sophomore with lots of determination and a tremendous amount of will power!!! Happy belated 15th birthday Kalei, we are so very proud of you, what you have become and where you are headed!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Tootie has a new look! She got glasses last week! I think they look soooo cute on her! I am already used to her wearing them. She kind of looks funny without them now. I guess they were just meant to be...she always has been an accessory kind of girl! Now her accessories have a purpose...she can see!!