Meet the Tonyas. Erin and Lauren decided they wanted to plant a plant. We went to pick out some and they both wanted tomato plants. We at least convinced them to get different kinds. Erin picked out a "big boy" plant and I talked Lauren into a "grape" tomato plant. They also wanted to name them and guess what! They are both named Tonya! Kalei says they are named after each other. However, Lauren's version of it is she named hers first and Erin copied. Who knows anyway we have two Tonya tomato plants! The one on the left is Lauren's and Erin's is on the right. I guess the "big boy" is naturally going to be bigger than the grape tomato but I am going to have a hard time explaining this to Lauren. Lauren is totally Terry and is very competitive. She is going to be upset to see that Erin's Tonya is bigger! I will keep you guys posted on the Tonyas' progress!